Welcome to Ongwanada
Providing supports and services for people with developmental disabilities and their families
Providing supports and services for people with developmental disabilities and their families
Explore Supports & ServicesAbout Ongwanada
Who we are
A non-profit, accredited organization, Ongwanada is dedicated to supporting people with developmental disabilities, with a particular focus on those with complex needs and their families so that they can lead full lives, effectively supported in their communities.
Following a servant-leadership philosophy, within the context of safety and responsibility to those we serve and serve with, and consistent with Ongwanada’s Code of Ethics, the organization is guided by its commitment to three core values: Support. Respect. Choices.

We enact practices that will encourage personal growth, self-expression, and positive self-image within a supportive environment. We promote and nurture individual well-being, positive relationships, and active participation in community life.

We strive to facilitate empowerment through the promotion of continual growth, self-determination, and risk management. Within this context we recognize that individual rights will be balanced by personal and organizational responsibilities.

In our interactions, we will demonstrate respect for the individual, their ideas, choices, opinions, and differences. We will support individuals with developmental disabilities and their families by providing opportunities for people to make informed decisions with the goal to increase quality of life.
Supports & Services
What are you looking for?

Specialized & Clinical Services
Ongwanada provides specialized clinical services and residential accommodation designed for adults with an intellectual disability, and complex behavioral /mental health needs to enable individuals to live successfully in the community. Clinical services include; Community Behavior Services, Psychological Services, Social Work, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Nutrition Services.

Ongwanada Resource Centre Services
Ongwanada Resource Centre is home to various amenities, including a hydrotherapy pool, a snoezelen room, the Joseph Dominik Sensory Garden, and the Pharmacy. Ongwanada also is the host site for Queen’s Genomics Lab. Many of the amenities at Ongwanada can be utilized by the public.

Supportive Living & Respite Services
Ongwanada offers various services; these include: Community residences providing 24-hour care, supported independent living providing support for people to live on their own, host family offering the option to live in a home with non-family caregivers, and respite services for adults and children, both in-home and out.

Community Services
Ongwanada provides community services designed to support people with a developmental disability to participate in their community. These include Kingston Community Participation Services offering group and individualized activities at two locations and Napanee Community Participation Services opening in October 2023, offering group and individualized activities.
Getting Started
How to access Ongwanada Services
Find out about intake at Ongwanada, passport funding, and the person-centered planning process.
Community Services
Together we can make a difference
At Ongwanada, we believe that community partnerships increase organizational impact. We are fortunate to have many partnerships including fellow developmental service agencies, Queen’s University, Lionhearts Inc., Rotary Club of Kingston, Community Foundation for Kingston & Area, and United Way KFL&A, to name a few.
We work closely with partner agencies not only in the region but across the province.
Whats happening
Recent Posts
Request for Proposals: Strategic Plan for Ongwanada Developmental Services
We are currently seeking proposals from qualified consultants or firms to develop a new strategic...
Flu and COVID Vaccine Clinics Offered at Ongwanada Pharmacy
**Update: All after-hours Flu and COVID vaccination clinics scheduled for the coming weeks are...
Ongwanada is a Proud Partner of New Antiracist Kingston Campaign
A new antiracism campaign in Kingston, spearheaded by the Anti-Racism Working Group (ARTF), aims...
$170,300 Ontario Government Grant Helps Ongwanada Strengthen Services Post-COVID-19
On Tuesday, local MPP Ted Hsu met with the team at Ongwanada to celebrate the $170,300 Resilient...
Celebrating 50 Years of Rehab (KRC)- KRC Today
Chapter Two: KRC Today The KRC (Kinsmen Rehabilitation Clinic) currently includes two...
Celebrating 50 Years of Rehab (KRC)
Chapter One: KRC History In 1974, Ongwanada first established a children’s rehabilitation clinic,...
Keep In Touch
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Find Out how You Can Help
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There are many different ways to help the organization.
How to give
Ways to support us
Your support will allow Ongwanada to continue to be a leader in providing person-centered clinically-focused supports and services in Eastern Ontario. Continually securing specialized resources allows us to continue to empower those with developmental disabilities to thrive in their communities.
There are many different ways to support Ongwanada, volunteering, donating, third-party fundraisers, legacy gifts, and more.
How You Can Support Us
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Stories From Our Community
How to give
Ways to support us
Your support will allow Ongwanada to continue to be a leader in providing person-centered clinically-focused supports and services in Eastern Ontario. Continually securing specialized resources allows us to continue to empower those with developmental disabilities to thrive in their communities.
There are many different ways to support Ongwanada, volunteering, donating, third-party fundraisers, legacy gifts, and more.