Specialized & Clinical Services

Specialized & Clinical Services

Specialized and Clinical Services
Our services are delivered out of our main site located at 191 Portsmouth Avenue, including more than 20 community residences, the Southeastern Regional Treatment Home Sites and a home designed specifically for individuals with complex behavioral needs as well as the greater community.
Community Network of Specialized Care
Ongwanada serves as the accountable agency for the Community Network of Specialized Care (CNSC) in the South East region. The CNSC is responsible for the provision of complex support coordination, dual diagnosis justice case management and health care facilitation for adults with developmental disabilities who have high support and complex care needs.
Find out about intake at Ongwanada, passport funding, and the person-centered planning process.

Southeastern Regional Treatment Home
The Southeastern Regional Transitional Treatment Home is a four-bed home that provides assessment and treatment for a time period ranging from six months to two years for adults with a developmental disability and severe challenging behaviour.

Psychological Services
Psychological services are available in order to address emotional, psychological, behavioural, or learning concerns that interfere with quality of life. To ensure the best support for the person, psychological services often work in collaboration with other allied health professionals and are typically involved for the time needed to address the referral question.

Community Behavioural Services
Behaviour therapists, under the supervision of an Ongwanada psychologist, will address challenging behavior in children between the ages of two and 17. Referrals for adults with developmental disabilities are also accepted.

Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapy department provides assessment, treatment, and consultation focusing on appropriate position and adaptive feeding techniques, sensory stimulation, augmentative communication, environmental controls, activities of daily living, and environmental modifications to adults with developmental disabilities.

Our physiotherapy department provides assessment, treatment, and consultation to adults with developmental disabilities. Our focus is on hydrotherapy, wheelchair seating, assistive mobility devices, specialized positioning equipment, prescribed exercise programs, environmental modification, and caregiver training regarding safe lifting and handling.

Nursing services are available to all people supported in Residential and Host Family to promote health, provide education, and to monitor health status. Nurses are active members of each person’s support team and act as liaisons between the person supported and family physicians.

Social Work
In consultation with the person and family, social workers coordinate admissions and discharge, discuss placement and programming options, and contribute as part of an interdisciplinary team to individual planning.

Nutritional Services
Ongwanada’s registered dietitian assesses the nutrition and hydration requirements of the people supported by Ongwanada while developing and monitoring nutrition care plans for optimal health. Guidance on menu planning, feeding techniques, and food preparation is also offered to people supported as well as their caregivers.
Get Started
How to Access Ongwanada Services
Learn more about how you can access Ongwanada supports and services.
Have Questions?
Contact the Ongwanada Team
We encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns.

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Our Homes