Napanee Snoezelen Room

Napanee Snoezelen Room

Napanee Snoezelen Room

Snoezelen Room
The Snoezelen Room is a specialized room with a variety of equipment to help stimulate or relax the senses. This includes stimulating the senses such as touch, smell, vision, and hearing. This room can be used for people with a variety of sensory needs in many different ways. It can be used for a single or multi-sensory experience, to increase or decrease sensory input, or to either energize or relax an individual. Being able to find the needed balance of sensory stimulation is an important aspect of creating the optimal environment and to get the most out of the Snoezelen room. Based on the needs of the individual using the room, it can provide either a calming and relaxing environment or an energizing environment. The Snoezelen room can also enhance engagement in other activities by providing optimal sensory input needed for an individual to focus and engage in activities.

Relax and stimulate your senses
A Snoezelen room is used to provide a variety of sensory elements to help stimulate or relax the senses. The room has subdued lighting and is furnished with specially designed, interactive equipment that creates lights, sounds, and smells.
Relax and stimulate your senses
A Snoezelen room is used to provide a variety of sensory elements to help stimulate or relax the senses. The room has subdued lighting and is furnished with specially designed, interactive equipment that creates lights, sounds, and smells.

Snoezelen Room
Booking Form
The room may be booked for 25 to 55-minute sessions between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
For more information about this program, please contact Ongwanada’s Social Work Department at 613-548-4417 ext 331.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a fee for this service?
No. The Snoezelen Room can be accessed by individuals with developmental disabilities for free based on availability.
Where is the Snoezelen Room located?
We have one Snoezelen Room located at 191 Portsmouth Avenue at the Ongwanada Resource Centre.
A second Snoezelen Room is under development at our Napanee Community Participation Program located at 310 Bridge St W, Napanee.
Where can I find more information about the Snoezelen Room?
For more information about this program, please contact Ongwanada’s Intake Department at 613-548-4417 ext 3311.
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