Dear Ongwanada family members,

Although it is difficult to think that we will be celebrating a second Christmas during a pandemic, our aim this year like last, is to take whatever steps we can to keep the people we support, our staff, and our broader community as safe as possible.

The discovery of the new COVID-19 Omicron variant has led to an evolving and unpredictable situation, with many new travel restrictions and public health measures being imposed on a continuing basis. The number of cases in the Province continues to rise and, as you are likely aware, the numbers in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington are at an all-time high.

For the health and well-being of all of the individuals we support, and for our staff, we strongly advise family members against visiting their loved ones or taking their loved ones home for a visit.  We understand this isn’t easy, especially during the holiday season, but trust that you can appreciate why we are advising in this manner.

If you choose to take your loved one home it is important to keep in mind that, upon return, they will be required to isolate until a negative COVID PCR test is received, which could be a period of a few days, and may be unable to return if isolation space is unavailable.

I want to express my personal thanks for your support, understanding and patience as we navigated the challenges of the past twenty months and trust that this continues as we navigate the next few weeks and months.

Please accept my best wishes for the season.



Alastair Lamb

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