Ongwanada is committed to the provision of quality supports and service. Participation in the accreditation process is a key action by which our clinical and operational performance against established standards is measured. It enables us to identify opportunities to improve supports and service in a way that is transparent and holds us accountable to our community.

Accreditation Canada’s accreditation program—developed over 55 years—has a high degree of recognition in the international care community.

The Accreditation Canada approach has evolved into an ongoing, interactive, 48-month Qmentum cycle that aligns well with our philosophy of continuous quality improvement. 

In February 2022, Ongwanada received Accreditation with Commendation from Accreditation Canada and will hold this standing until 2024. You can view the full report here.

Thank you to all the staff, board members, supported individuals, families, volunteers and community partners who assisted us in achieving this.

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