Donors are so integral to the ongoing success of an organization. Yet, people often associate donations with monetary gives, but there are many other ways to provide. All of which are greatly appreciated.

Suzanne Julien is a perfect example of that. This wonderful lady reached out to Ongwanada to see if she could donate some homemade blankets. You see, Suzanne is retired and absolutely loves to knit; she has done a similar give to other organizations in the region.

We took Suzanne up on the offer, picked up many of these special blankets, and donated some to our supported individuals who attend the day program.

Many of the recipients received this kind gesture so well that this wonderful lady has offered to do some more knitting for the organization.

We want to thank Suzanne from the bottom of our hearts.

If you are interested in finding out how you can help Ongwanada and the people we support, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Courtney at or visit this link.

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