Dear Ongwanada Families;

This past year has continued to present challenges for the organization as we managed our way through numerous waves of the pandemic and all of the resulting impact. Some of these challenges led to program restrictions or cancellations, impacting the people we support and their families. In general, everyone understood and graciously accepted the steps we had to take to keep everyone safe while providing service.

We are now at the stage where we are living with Covid, and to the extent possible, managing its impact in a way that minimizes its disruptive effect. Undoubtedly, there will continue to be challenges and opportunities as we further adapt to providing support and service in this new environment. Please be assured that we will strive to keep the impact of these challenges and opportunities on the people we support to an absolute minimum.

As I reflect on the year, I am grateful for the resilience of the individuals we support, the continued understanding of families, and the staff’s flexibility. I trust this continues as we plan and manage our way into the next year.

To each, I wish to express my best wishes, and I trust that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy 2023.



A. Alastair Lamb M.Sc. MPA

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